We are living our dream together as a family. We take on challenges as they come, and we learn as we go.
We are looking forward to sharing this piece of heaven on earth with other people
Our story
In May 2010, we traveled as a young couple for the first time to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We drove through the Rocky Mountains, and we came back the year after that, and the year after that one. We understood that a dream was born, our dream to one day be living in this piece of paradise. As Ralph’s hockey career went on, we were blessed with three wonderful boys, and found our dream home in Golden, BC. Now, a little more than ten years later, we’re here!
Who we are
We moved from Switzerland to Golden BC, Canada, in November 2020 in the middle of that crazy worldwide pandemic.
Ralph decided to retire from his professional hockey player career to pursue our dream to one day live in the canadian Rocky Mountains.
We are an active family of 6, with four young boys full of energy. We also share this adventure with our four horses, enjoying lives in their 20ac pasture and with our three dogs, Chucky, Cooper and Watson who complete our family.
Apart from being a mom, Gaëlle graduated at the College of the Rockies in the Adventure Tourism Business Operation program. There, she learned about the various skills required for the adventure tourism industry, such as skiing, backcountry skiing, risk management, wilderness first aid, etc. Through this program she got the chance to meet mountain guides which she could easily recommend to anyone interested.
In conclusion, we are outdoor people, with lots of adventures going on each and every day. We ski and play hockey in the winter and horse ride, hike and bike in the summer. Thus, as you can imagine, our home is full of life and bursting with energy.
Our vision
It happened a few times already where people would ask us why? Why do you leave Switzerland to come and live here? Well, we love Switzerland undoubtedly. However, we felt like we wanted to take back a little bit of that freedom that gently got taken away proportionally with the population growth. Moving to Canada gave us the opportunity to regain a little bit of that freedom by letting us have, for example, our own well, our own forest to harvest from if we chose to, our own animals – poultry, equine, canine, etc. It seems like details, but to us it made a big difference. Our idea is to reconnect with the nature that surrounds us and work in symbiosis with it to create an oasis of biodiversity and abundance. Creating those mini farms is far from impossible in Europe. In the contrary, their number is actually growing, and people are more and more interested in that subject. However, for our family, moving to Canada felt like the right thing to do.
Permaculture and eco-agriculture inspired us in developing our mini farm on the long run. The whole idea of using nature’s mechanisms to our advantage seems like a win-win for the environment and for us.
This is a project of a lifetime, adding and improving little by little, year after year our property to reach the optimum efficiency of this ecosystem. Therefore, our motivation wouldn’t make much sense if it wasn’t to bequeath this project to the next generation, giving them the opportunity to have roots, eat self-produced food and know and understand nature's mechanism and rhythms.

What you see is what you get.
Sitting in the Canadian Rockies, Golden B.C. is surrounded by six of Canada’s most stunning national parks; Yoho, Glacier, Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Mount Revelstoke.
Use Golden as your base from which to experience the spectacular scenery, iconic hiking trails, waterfalls, lakes and heritage sites of the national parks.